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Richmond Baptist Church Children's Ministry
June 2007 News

Can they call on the one they do not believe in? And how can they believe in the one who they have not heard about? How can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:14,15)

Hallelujah! Summer break is finally near for the children. Summer is the best time to call the children to church. Needless to say, we, the believers, will be very busy during the summer. However, we thank our God who gives us opportunities to do our mission for Jesus. Moreover, I thank our teachers who serve our Richmond children faithfully and enthusiastically.
Due to preparations for a lot of activities for our children’s ministry during the summer, there will not be any news for July and August.
Following is the information for June through August 2007.

NURSERY (0 - 1years) - You may follow the service through the TV. (Room#209)
TODDLER (1 - 2 years) - If your child can get along without you, you may leave your child before you go to worship service. If your child cannot get along without you, then you may have worship service through the TV with your child. (Room#214)

If you have any questions, call SeungJa Cha (510) 245-2261.

Preschool (2 years - January 14th 2003): Worship room#125
Leader: SeiRi Kwon (510) 558-0678, Sermon:ShinJeong Kim, Praise Leader:Bonnie Song

Pre-Kinder (January 13th 2003 - Kinder): Worship room#128(Church Library)
Leader: KyoungYoung Park (510) 528-2467, Sermon:HaeJee Kim, Praise Leader:MiYoung Kim

2 years - Teacher SukJin Kim, Hannah Chung, ShinJeong Kim, Bonnie Song, SeiRi Kwon (room#125)
3 years - Teacher BoKyung Kim (room#129)
4 years Teacher MiYoung Kim, HaeJee Kim(Room#126)
Kinder - Teacher YoonChang Lee, KyoungYoung Park(Room#128)

a. After-program - after Bible study, from 12:00 to 1:00pm, our Sunday school provides Korean lesson and crafts while the parents attend Bible study. Please make sure your child is in class before you go to your small group. There are no after-programs during the last week of the month due to men and women's ministry meetings.

ELEMENTAY MINISTRY (1st - 5th) - Worship: room#211 Leader: HwaSoo Yeo,
Sermon: David Song, Praise Leader:Patricia Kim. Program Assistant::Susanna, Bowei Hao
1st grade – YoonMi Jung, Bonnie Kim (room#215, 105)
2nd grade - Jeen Cha, Erin Kang (room#202, 211)
3rd grade - John Rhyu, SuJung Yang(room#210, 216)
4th grade - Joe Lee, JongEok Park (Room#114)
5th grade - David Song(Room#217)

a. Worship service and Bible study are from 10:30 to 12:00pm. Worship is a very important factor in our children's lives. Please try to bring your child on time, and encourage your child to bring a Bible. NIV (New International Version) is recommended. Please write your child's name on both the front and back of the Bible.
b. There will be crafts time during the summer from 12:00 - 1:00pm at room 211.

A. Bible verse Memorizing Tournament (4years, Kinder, Elementary) - We will have this event on July 22nd with along with Talent Market.
     4 years and Kinder - Please help your child memorize one verse from A. THE NEW LIFE every week. (See the children’s web number 19 of forum section) http://www.richmondchurch.org/technote6/board.php?board=childrenboard&command=body&no=21
     Elementary 1st to 3rd grade - Please help your child memorize one verse from B. PROCLAIMING CHRIST every week. (See the children’s web number 20 of forum section) http://www.richmondchurch.org/technote6/board.php?board=childrenboard&command=body&no=22
    Elementary 4th and 5th grade - Help your child to memorize 3 verses starting from C. TRUST IN GOD, to E. BE LIKE CHRIST every week. (Memory verse cards have been distributed to your child)

B. Wednesday Service - 4 years through 5th grade will meet at room 125 and have games, crafts and other activities. (Teacher-ShinJung Kim)
Parents who have 1 year through 3 years can have service through the TV at room 214.

C. Kidz Night – While the Korean Ministry will have a family seminar on June 8th at 7:30pm, 9th at 7:30pm and 10th at 2:00pm, our children’s ministry will have Kidz Night. Please come with your child(ren) and have a graceful time with your family. Please pray for the teachers who will participate on those days.
     - Bonnie Kim, Jeen Cha, Sharon Lee, and Janice Shin will take care of the preschoolers at room 211 with praise, worship and a lot of games.
     - Bible Heroes is the theme of Kidz Night. Please pray for SeungJa Cha, SunKang Park, ShinJeong Kim, John Rhyu, Bowei Hao, and Joe Lee. (Please see the attachment)

D. Spaphetti Party – There will be an End of School Party on Friday, June 15th at 5:00pm at the church from completed 1st grade to 5th grade. (Please see the attachment)

E. Vacation Bible School – VBS will be held on Tuesday, July 31st to Friday, August 3rd from 9:30am to 2:15pm. The age group will be from completed Kindergarten through 5th grade. We are only accepting children from 3 years to 5 years whose parent(s) volunteer(s) for VBS. (Please see the attachment)

F. Sports Camp – It will be held on Wednesdays, August 8th, 15th, and 22nd from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. The age group will be from completed Kindergarten through 5th grade. (Please see the attachment)

G. Water Park – There will be a picnic on Saturday August 11th at Water World in Concord. Completed 1st to 5th graders are welcome. If your child wants to participate, you must accompany your child. (Please see the attachment)

H. Since our Sunday school has many activities during the year, we would be happy to receive the following donations:
Popcorn, Juice boxes, cookies, Thick Markers, Black and Red Sharpies, CDs, CD Cases, Colored Paper, Adult-size Scissors, Poster Boards, Glue sticks

I. Our children's Sunday school needs teachers and assistant teachers for preschool I & II, choir, activities, and decorations. If you want to volunteer, please let me know.

For more details about our children's ministry, go to our website http://www.richmondchurch.org/ministries/children/ and click on Forum section.

Thank you and May God bless you.
SeungJa Cha
Children's Ministry Director
Richmond Baptist Church
Home (510) 245-2261
Work (510) 231-1100 x23321
제목 날짜
After VBS-Pizza Party   2007.08.05
Craft time   2007.08.02
Summer place to go!!   2007.06.03
Water Picnic   2007.06.01
Sports Camp   2007.06.01
VBS Registration   2007.06.01
Spaghetti Party   2007.06.01
Bible Heroes   2007.06.01
6월 뉴스-한국말   2007.06.01
June-07 News-English   2007.06.01
북방선교찬양제-초등부   2007.06.01
초등부 연습   2007.06.01
북방선교음악회-유치부II   2007.06.01
북방선교음악회-유치부I   2007.06.01
Memory Verse B   2007.05.03
Memory Verse A   2007.05.03
May-07 News   2007.05.03
부활절행사   2007.04.22
Apr-07 News   2007.04.14
March-07 News   2007.03.14
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